Monday, December 31, 2007

itty's list

Hi everyone. I am Itty. Here is my list, which comprises both concerts and albums that I liked. I'm going to keep it short and sweet. My reasons don't require many words.

1. Dr. Dog @ Maxwell's
A Dr. Dog concert makes my #1 for the second year in a row. Seeing them is like frolicking in a meadow on a sunny day, except with amazing musicians and dancing.

2. !!! @ Studio B and Webster Hall
You like to dance and get excited? See !!! live! Nic Offer will do the same old schtick and I will never get tired of it.

3. Menomena - Friend and Foe
This is the album I listened to the most this year. When I listen to this album, I feel like Neptune, with bountiful chest hair, surfing on a dolphin. .

4. Pinback - Autumn of the Seraphs
This album is fresh. I liked Summer in Abaddon a lot, but was really taken aback by how good this is.

5. !!! - Myth Takes
I feel like over the years, !!! has really transformed from dance-punk to straight on dance. It's hot. I miss Out Hud though.

6. The Good, The Bad, & The Queen
I kind of forgot about this album, but listened to it the other night and remembered how good it was. Damon Albarn has not done much wrong in my opinion, and this shouldn't be forgotten.

7. The Aliens - Astronomy for Dogs
Psychedelia via Beta Band

8. Jens Lekman - Night Falls Over Kortedala
The crooner of our generation does not disappoint.

9. Dr. Dog - We All Belong
Only slightly less fun than their concerts.

10. Radiohead - In Rainbows
Probably the best album of the year. I just didn't listen to it enough to put it that high.

Stars (to those not already mentioned):
Bikeride - The Kiss
Gravenhurst - The Western Lands
M. Ward @ World Trade Center
Black Moth Super Rainbow - Dandelion Gum
Iron &Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
Blonde Redhead - 23

New Old:
The Bee Gees
Gordon Lightfoot
Silversun Pickups - Carnavas


Michael Grandone said...

i will admit that I know nothing about jens. somebody needs to tell me where to start.

Itty said...

Oh You're So Silent Jens is where to start