10. The Wii
I know, I know, I started my list with something completely un-music, but I am suffering from a severe rotator cuff injury due to Wii tennis, so it's all that is on my mind. Patrick and I purchased the Wii a few months ago...I will admit I play it less, but I am the better person for it (injury aside). It has it's social merits...and I am able to whoop him in various games that involve patience. So I like it.
9. Arcade Fire: Neon Bible
I can’t believe this album came out this year. I don’t think I had it on my mental list until I read some of the other entries. I feel like that ship has sailed for me, but in reality I loved this album when it first came out. I also wanted to put it on here to make Paul squirm.
8. Darjeeling Limited, Hotel Chevalier
I know, it's also not music. But, I feel the music made this short what it is. I could watch it over and over and over. Mainly because the music is great (also because there are some classic lines). It made me want to go back to France and disappear.
7. Jose Gonzalez: In Our Nature I became an aunt for the first time this year. I have been affected by this significantly as I am the lone trusted babysitter. When you have a screaming child in your arms and the only thing to make her stop is the soft guitar picking of Jose, this album would fall in your top 10 as well. Puts Johanna to sleep. So it wins. As long as we are showcasing hot videos, how about this one?
6. The Long, Lost Album CoverAs someone who still buys CDs, I appreciate a good album cover. They rarely come around, but some of my favorite albums made a real effort (and succeeded). Bright Eyes Cassadaga came complete with fortune cookie and decoder window to read various hidden messages. I could look at the Panda Bear cover for hours. It reminds me of better times...when I would lie on the floor studying the Mama's and the Papa's self titled album: "What if Mama Cass had Michelle Williams' chin?".
5. Feist: The Reminder
I have loved Feist ever since my first Broken Social Scene show, but her last album just didn’t showcase how great she is. I would say she is this year’s Neko Case. I’m hooked. And I love I-tunes. Apparently she does too.
4. Of
I would hate to jump on the bandwagon here, but this is a great album from start to finish. Full of some good rock songs-some nice head-bobbing music. With that sweet little voice.
3. Panda Bear: Person Pitch
I love Pet Sounds, why would I not love this?
2. Caribou: Andorra
I bought this album on a whim after a brief visit to the music shop. Loved it from first listen and did not remove it from my rotation for the rest of the year. As Patrick mentioned-easy listening. My favorite genre.
1. Bjork Live at Sasquatch.No Question. The best show I have ever or will ever see. I wasn't a huge fan of Bjork's album this year (hence it not making the list) but holy shit Vespertine? Post? Live? Not to mention the fact that she puts on a great show. She writes a mean love song "I go through all this before you wake up so I can feel happier to be safe again." Oh. It was amazing. I am a bit of a sap, but live music rarely makes me cry. This did.
Additional music-related comments:
I wish that my boyfriend would have told me about Miracle Fortress in the year 2007. Would have most likely made the list, but I feel dishonest adding it now.
Most disappointing club-closing: The Crocodile-Seattle, WA
Owned by Peter Buck’s ex-wife, this is one last nail in the coffin of grunge. The Crocodile is a Seattle legend where bands such as Nirvana and Pearl Jam got their start. They even hosted a secret Beastie Boys show earlier this year. Also of note: this was the first bar where I was ever admitted with a fake ID. It was to see a Smiths cover band. Needless to say, I felt pretty cool. What a bummer.
Most promising club-opening: The Slowdown-Omaha, NE
This is the music venue middle-America has been praying for. Saddle Creek records finally opened a proper club this summer, which allows bands to play somewhere other than the Polish community center. The place operates as a bar full-time, complete with a free (stellar) jukebox, photo booth and bartenders from your favorite bands such as Azure Ray and Tilly and the Wall. They did plenty of research on what makes a good venue, and it has paid off. The sound is better than anything I’ve ever heard from a small rock club. It’s worth a visit. I’m sure everyone on this list will add it to their vacation calendars.
Best new (for me) band: Russian Circles
Based out of St Louis, they are recording their next album in Seattle. They played a free show in my neighborhood. I guess I would call it metal…maybe, but I’m no expert on the genre. No singer…just sweet guitar, bass and drums. I had so much fun listening to them wail on their axes. Pretty awesome.
Other things to mention: Aprons: the costume for the kitchen, The Colonial Ponytail, Michael Cera, Traveling by float plane, and finally, I do still love Royal Lyme cologne, but might I recommend something in the Roger and Gallet family this year?
That’s it. Thanks.
And Arcade Fire sucks.
Think I want to check out Panda Bear though...
Explain to me why it is more acceptable to carry ANY Eagles album, but not Hotcakes? Indy or not Indy.
In a bit of vindication, the aforementioned record shop is closing its doors due to inability to pay the rent. Maybe if they would have carried some Carly Simon, they could be selling records like...eh, I won't.
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