** Edited December 30, 2008
When initially planning this list, for some reason I felt that I had listened to a lot of new music over the past year. However, when I went back to look at the new music I had acquired, I couldn't find many albums that stood up for multiple listens. It was probably that I was just out of it though...
Here is my list of musical things from the past year that I really liked. In all things, I tend to like extremes of joy and sadness, and it seems pretty apparent in my musical choices. Also, one year, I won't have Dr. Dog in there.
1. Sigur Ros @ MoMA
Despite being really into going to this show, I had never been a huge Sigur Ros fanatic. More like a semi-casual listener. I thought this show was amazing though, in that it really showcased the way that SR plays to the extremes that I mentioned above. Extra points for the fantastic Olafur Eliasson exhibition and getting our picture in BrooklynVegan.
2. Dr. Dog - Fate
Did everyone hate this album? It got no love as far as I've seen, but I thought it was just as good as their last album. Gritty vocals, great harmonies and song-writing. Dr. Dog!
3. Love is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up All Night
I will love this band forever and ever. Ecstatic joy! It makes me go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
4. Sigur Ros - Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust
The MoMA show made me appreciate all of SR's albums more. I liked that this album turned more upbeat and playful in comparison to older albums. Lots of joy.
5. ***Destroyer - Trouble in Dreams
This was added a few days after the initial posting. I originally thought this album came out in 2007, but according to AllMusic, it's 2008. I really loved this album. It's more melodic than previous Destroyer albums and more palatable, but there's still that eccentricity and electricity.
6. Neil Young - Sugar Mountain
Same goes for Neil Young. The little talking parts in between songs work really well. I admit that I idealize that time period and listen to way too much Buffalo Springfield, so I'm probably just way too biased.
7. Max Richter - 24 Postcards in Full Colour
This man continually makes the saddest albums. Listen to it while walking on a snowy evening and soon you'll find yourself on your knees in tears. So good.
8. Arthur Russell's emergence
Paul and I recently caught a viewing of the Arthur Russell documentary Wild Combination. While being perhaps a bit long, it definitely was a good overview of the shy genius. I'm always impressed by the idea of immortality. Russell's work outlasted the man and that kind of fascinates me.
9. TV on the Radio - Dear Science
This album was just good. Their albums always are. I have nothing else to say.
10. M83 - Saturdays = Youth
I feel like it's easy to like M83, but that ease makes me wonder whether this should be on my list. I listened to this album quite a bit though so here it is.
Here are the older musical things I obsessed over this year, in chronological order:
- The Wrens' Meadowlands album...absolutely perfect.
- The last Les Savy Fav album has a great opening sequence of songs that rocks harder most everything else.
- 16 Horsepower should be on the Carnivale soundtrack
- Ratatat hip hop remixes. Glock Nines from Vol. 2 is hot!!
- The Blade Runner soundtrack
- The SOS Band and other Jam/Lewis productions
- J-Live's All of the Above is just as good as The Best Part
- The Bird and the Bee - simultaneously annoying and invigorating
- Bob Seger - blue collar, awesome, and very underrated
- The old man at the Hunter College 6 station singing "I've Been Loving You Too Long"
- Syd Straw - Miss Fingerwood is a great songwriter
I'd much rather expound about the awesomeness of any of these things as opposed to a lot of the new music I heard this year. Here's hoping for better luck next year. I have a feeling that I'm just going to be listening to Neko and Dr. Dog like always.
I ended up listening to a lot of The Bird and the Bee this year. Probably too much. I went from being annoyed but curious, to having to listen to them on a daily basis because one of a few of their songs was stuck in my head.
I really like their self-titled album. The melodies are great and Inara George's voice is amazing. I kind of hate it though too, but I can't pinpoint that hate...it's part the lyrics and part being so damn cutesy.
IG's album with Van Dyke Parks is also great.
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