All Katie Perrys aside, I think that 2008 was a great year for music in general. Sure there was no knock-down number one, but hey- quantity over quality is fine with me. Figuring out what I like best is a very scientific process, as you can see from the image to the left. My top ten:
10. 808s & Heartbreak - Kanye West: I'm for things all Kanye, but I do fear that Kanye the Personality may have overshadowed what's great about this album- something very different on the pop-scene.
9. Volume One - She & Him: I think M. Ward could make anything sound good.
8. For Emma, Forever Ago - Bon Iver: Best breakup album of the year (sorry, Ye). This could only be made in the midst of cold weather, lo-fi means, and that crushing feeling.
7. The Renaissance - Q-Tip: How long has it been since Q-Tip's last album? Almost a decade? This should be getting more press. Listen to "Won't Trade."
6. Real Emotional Trash - Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks: The best balance of SM's old virtue of quirkiness, and new virtue of guitar theatrics.
5. At Mount Zoomer - Wolf Parade: If one song could propell an entire album to awesomeness, it is "Kissing the Beehive": over ten minutes of Wolf Parade firing on all cylinders.
4. You & Me - The Walkmen: I agree with everything that Eamon has already said about this album, but I would like to add one thing: they stop trying to sound different, but still sound so unique compared to everything else.
3. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes: I'm not surprised that this is a top album of the year on many lists. I like it because it takes the Brian Wilson melody-thing that so many bands are down with right now and actually couples it with some cool, melodic songs.
2. Furr - Blitzen Trapper: Really a shocking album. Who knew these guys had this in them? They pick up stylistically from The Band (for one) and make it current. My top track: "Black River Killer."
1. Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust - Sigur Rós: The Martin Scorsese of 2008. Maybe this isn't their best album ever, but it is still great, and it makes you return to their entire catalogue. They're a totally deserving band that often defies words (pun intended). The concert at MOMA has already been mentioned, you can watch it here.
Non-2008 Albums I (Re-)Discovered
Cease to Begin - Band of Horses; Fear of Music - Talking Heads; White Light/White Heat - The Velvet Underground; This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About - Modest Mouse; Tapestry - Carol King; Dirt - Alice in Chains; Perfect from Now On - Built to Spill; Bach's Fugues- fugues will be the auto-tone of 2009.
Best TV Show of 2008
Seems like it's between 30 Rock, Mad Men, and The Wire. I'm going with The Wire because it's my last chance to give it the award.
Best Live Show of 2008
I'm going to cop-out and say any Boston Celtics game. Do a YouTube search for Gino+Boston+Celtics to see what I mean.
Best Movie of 2008
My short list is The Dark Knight, Young at Heart, and Slumdog Millionaire. Each does something totally different for me.
Best Website of 2008
You mean besides ObsoleteVernacular.com? Definitely hulu.com. For those of us without a DVR or a Tivo, it's amazing.
Best Book of 2008
Of the very few 2008 books I've read this year, Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow and I Don't Believe in Atheists by Chris Hedges stand out. Take that Dawkins and Hitchens.
Best Gift I Received in 2008
This thing.
- Michael Grandone
re: Fleet Foxes, absolutely - they know exactly when to pull it back and let the band carry the song. Great balance between the performance and the writing/arrangement sharing the spotlight.
I also got back to that Band of Horses record, which I originally hadn't loved. Coincidentally, also produced by Phil Ek (Fleet Foxes)
Closet Alice in Chains fan, Michael? Who knew?
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