Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The 2009 Paulies - Prelaunch List No. 3

First came the British, then the indie. So now let's look at what the mainstream, Rolling Stone, think about the decade in music.

Complete list of 100.

Here is the top ten:
10. Kanye West, "The College Dropout"
9. M.I.A., "Kala"
8. Bob Dylan, "Modern Times"
7. Eminem, "The Marshal Mathers LP"
6. Arcade Fire, "Funeral"
5. The White Stripes, "Elephant"
4. Jay-Z, "The Blueprint"
3. Wilco, "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot"
2. The Strokes, "Is This It"
1. Radiohead, "Kid A"

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