Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Another Side of Julian

Thanks for the I wish it Was Christmas Today post. That is actually a great song. I'm looking forward to everyone's best of the decade list and predicting a solid debate between Is this it? and Kid A. To add the Julian conversation, I submit this video from Conan. It's awkward. The forced hand gestures, the trying too hard to be cool back up band, the set up of the stage that makes Julian look all alone (and not in a good way). I actually like the song in a weird way. The album was also produced by Mike Mogis of Saddlecreek fame (Bright Eyes et al). Full disclosure, I'm essentially paraphrasing the first paragraph of the pitchfork review of the album. In case you missed the video, it's worth watching and scratching your head.

Julian Casablancas live on conan o brien

AL3X!! | MySpace Video

Unrelated, but I wanted to mention it, A Serious Man is my pick for best movie of the year. Talk about an awesome trailer.



Paul G. Jackson said...

Uh, you could not pay me to see a Serious Man! I think I've seen every single Coen Brothers movie prior to this, but this does not look good at all! Yipes!

Kate Miles said...

Paul what kind of crack are you doing these days? What about 'A Serious Man' does not appeal to you? I saw it in the theater, lost my train of thought during the prologue, but was totally entertained by it despite all the specific Jewish jokes/references going over my Catholic-raised head (and there weren't that many of them; the humor was like, George Costanza-ish). It's really snappy and worth seeing!

Unknown said...

Shit, I just noticed we both posted the Serious Man trailer.

Seriously Paul, man up and see this movie. Maybe one of their best screenplays ever.