Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Los Paulies de 2007

good afternoon.  i am niki.
after a long internet dry spell i finally got my act together and discovered itunes.  which meant that much of this year was spent catching up on the best releases of 2006.  and 2005.  and maybe a couple from before that.

so here is what i could scrap together of 2007 in culture.  in my proud college tradition, i will now award diamonds and coal.


#1-5 musical albums

1. Of Montreal--Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?  there was a distinct moment during their studio b new york magazine karaoke performance when kevin barnes strutted across the stage wearing only jean cutoffs, fishnets, and heavy eye makeup singing "eva, i'm sorry, but you will never have me" that made me wish fervently that in forty years, this will be what my generation will be remembered for.  there was also a giant lobster claw.
2. Bonde Do Role--With Lasers.  stumbled on this band in the museum of natural history. it's like curacao gutterpunks who broke into someone's garage... and that someone has a couple of casios and some Foreigner records.
3. Mum--Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy.  why does iceland make such pretty music and well-printed books?
4. Soulsavers--It's Not How Far You Fall, It's the Way You Land.  this is good music for a rainy bus trip to philadelphia. 
5. M.I.A.--Kala.  "i got a fever... trying to get a visa"

#6-10 cultural moments

6. Rap cat:
7. Read a book:
8. Stardust, the movie
9. The Planet Unicorn theme song (don't watch, just listen):
10. Juno

honorable mentions:

-dan perjovschi & the moma wall
-punk farm on tour, by jarett j. krosoczka
-harry potter 7
-b.r. myer's literary review of denis johnson's tree of smoke:


-the simpsons movie.  mediocre and they should know better.
-and then we came to the end, by joshua ferris.  i stand by this.
-usnews delivering weekly coverage of britney's meltdown to my doorstep.  i'm telling you, tzadovar velovokich doesn't live here anymore.

thank you, goodnight!


Paul G. Jackson said...

Does the Simpsons movie really belong on a coal list? Maybe, but probably not. Not meeting impossible expectations is far different than making a bad movie. I can see it aging nicely, a comfort of a movie like A Christmas Story or Billy Madison.

Patrick said...

Aging nicely like Billy Madison?
The Simpsons movie was fine, but no better than an average episode in my opinion.

In other Unicorn youtube clips: Charlie The Unicorn

pops said...

No, I really thought the Simpsons movie was bad. John Updike's six rules of book reviewing include this gem: that you should hold the work accountable only to its own aims, not to yours. The Simpsons-makers have gone 19 seasons of making gold standard television. They could have waited one or two more before cranking out a mediocre movie that was easily bested by a moving-cardboard/musical by two bozos from Colorado. (Though I love 'em and can quote ad nauseum.)

Plus, they hyped this film outrageously--exhibit A, the Homeric crop circle.

Michael Grandone said...

Have all 19 seasons really been "gold standard television"?

pops said...

ok, maybe 17 seasons.